The Flu Is Flying

January 22, 2018

Every year around the winter season the mass advertising for Americans to receive a flu shot takes over control of the media. Commercials are aired on repeat urging people to get themselves and their families to the doctor’s office or pharmacies such as CVS/Walgreens to obtain the vaccine before they catch the infectious disease.

However, caution has been heightened in the 2017-2018 time frame, with reports during the week of December 30th reported that forty-six states were undergoing widespread flu activity( Many still pose the question as to why this outbreak has hospitalized and effected more people than in previous years? Dr. Amesh Adalja of of the John Hopkins Center for Health Security told Live Science reporters that, “This year is particularly harsh because it’s dominated by the H3N2 [flu strain], which tends to be more severe and causes more severe symptoms than other strains of flu.” Research has found that when this strain is the controlling component of the flu virus, death rates caused by it are at an overall high.

Citizens have begun to consider if undergoing and spending money on a flu shot is worth it. With the vaccine reducing the likeliness of becoming ill with the flu by 40-60%, it seems logical to take this precaution to avoid a miserable encounter or possibly a visit at the hospital. While getting vaccinated is the most effective way to keep healthy, other ways to reduce ones chances of falling sick would be to wash your hands regularly, stay clear of others that are known to have it, and stay home if you are sick so it can not spread easily.  


Photo By: African Curators

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