A New Look For the Fruita Community Center

March 11, 2020

After nearly a decade of being up and running, the City of Fruita decided it was time to update the Fruita Community Center. From completely replastering both the indoor and outdoor pools, to replacing all lighting with energy-saving LED’s, the FCC is on its way to a more economical way of operating. 

Initially opening in 2011, the FCC has been home for many little leagues, clubs, and community activities including the Sweetheart Run and many more. Aidan Mercer, aquatics coordinator, pool manager, and lifeguard of nearly 2 years at the community center says that “a majority of big updates will be coming during maintenance week in the fall. This will be things such as fixing lights if they are out, putting new foam on the basketball hoops and changing the rims and things like that.” Mercer says that both indoor and outdoor pools are expected to be updated before the summer crowd and that they will be adding some new features for the kids, in addition to some updates on the rock wall. 

After two years of working at the facility, Mercer believes that the makeover is much needed. “I think it’ll make the place look nicer for sure. I feel like it’s just something that our patrons deserve, especially our regulars. I think the pool and facility in general, will feel 100 times better.” 

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