Release of the Find-Detroit

October 13, 2017

The Hansows are anything but the typical American family. Their story began with the adoption of their daughter Jadyn from Uganda, Africa. They packed up their two year old son Asher and made the move to Uganda to follow through with the adoption and ended up creating a necklace line that would provide work for widows there. At one point they had fifty employed widows and soon after, this small company turned into the Non-Profit Light Gives Heat (LGHtv) which three years later employs 120 Ugandan people continuing on this necklace brand.

The next project the Hansows took on was to create a feature length documentary called ‘Moving On’ which began in 2015. It became the first of their series called “The FIND” that has filmed all over the world, bringing awareness to the incredible stories of people that are impacting others and our environment in a positive way from the difficult situations they are in. has been projecting their story with, “The series currently playing online, and on TV Networks in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and the Middle East.”

The newest addition to Season Three of this series focuses on the decaying city of Detroit and the people that are trying to bring a sense of community back to their home that would otherwise be left to fall apart. They follow the lives of those who are making a difference from individuals helping give children a place to go after school to organizations that help those who are starving. Handing out free clothes, helping students with their homework, and distributing  food for those in need are only some of the ways the citizens of Detroit have taken action to rebuild. It is inspiring to see two graduates of Fruita Monument bringing awareness to the world through their documentaries and by creating over a hundred jobs with their company Light Gives Heat.

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