Riots at the Capitol

Mariella Schermerhorn, Reporter

As the hope that 2021 would be a more hopeful year after the events of 2020, that idea was crushed on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, when the U.S. capitol was stormed. Hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the building due to the fact they wanted to halt the certification of the election results. A woman was shot and died as the violence grew, and the mob began to push past the number of guards that were stationed. Eventually, these protestors broke past and began to run up and down freely in the building.

 Many videos and photos prove the destruction of the Capitol building, as the President’s supporters waved their ‘Trump 2020’ and confederate flags. Blame has been put on the President for the violence, due to his reluctance to accept the election results. With his claims of a “rigged” election, he had actually encouraged his supporters to not accept this outcome as well, and he did not condemn the behavior seen at the Capitol. 

After law enforcement finally cleared the building, the weight of what just happened dawned on many Americans. The call for a second impeachment was declared as well as members of the Republican party calling for Trump to resign. As the rioters are finally being held accountable for their crime, but the outcome for Trump’s future is unknown as of now.