May 6, 2021
By Matisynn Leckey
Stay wary of those who are attractive to the eye
For those of which you must always be aware.
Because of this, I heave a great sigh.
I demanded to know why
God allowed me to fall into his care.
Stay wary of those who are attractive to the eye.
He promised me the sun, the moon, and the sky.
He pinky-swore to me that he would go nowhere.
Because of this, I heave a great sigh.
He gave me the ring that I
Wore day and night, anywhere and everywhere.
Stay wary of those who are attractive to the eye.
I handed him my whole heart, with no imply
And zero second thoughts as to what would become my future despair.
Because of this, I heave a great sigh.
I wished him away and out of my life, oh I did try
To push him out, never again did I forswear
Stay wary of those who are attractive to the eye.
But here he comes again, my morals on which I rely
In order to stay away from a devastating love affair.
Stay wary of those who are attractive to the eye.
Because of this, I heave a great sigh.