Exchange Students at FMHS

Jasmine Niewenhujze, a junior at FMHS
February 16, 2023
Can you imagine going to a different country for an entire year? Altering the course of your entire life, being without your family or friends for an extended period of time, all to get “the American Experience?”
This is what two students at FMHS have elected to do, leaving their homes in search of an experience that they have been waiting for their entire life. Many different companies collaborate with countries around the world in order to encourage foreign students to travel and live in another country for an entire school year.
Jasmijn Nieuwenhuijze, a junior here at FMHS, has been at the school for the entire year. When asked what the best part about FMHS was, she stated, “I really love playing sports with all of my friends. The school spirit at FMHS is very good and I really like it here.” The experience of an American high school was something that she has idolized her entire life, and when asked about her experience so far, Jasmijn said, “It’s been really good. I’ve done a lot of new things, tried new stuff, and met a lot of people.”
So, why would someone travel so far from home, and dedicate almost a year of their life to learning and experiencing things in another country? Some may say that it was almost imperative that they be able to make connections in a country that is not their own. In fact, studies show that studying abroad for more than six months can increase the probability of you receiving a high-paying job as soon as you graduate. ( So, that brings the question, would you do this? Would you leave your home for a year?
Some may fear that they can become too attached to America, and some that have done the exchange program might dread leaving America and returning to their “normal” life back in their own country. When asked what she would miss the most about America, Jasmijn said, “I will miss the people, my host family and friends, but school over here is much more fun. I’ll miss football games, yearbook class, and playing lacrosse for the school.” Although she may dread having to leave America in only a few months, one thing is certain: She will likely never forget this experience.