As fall sports start, many athletes are focusing on building endurance and muscle, and most have their workout schedule on top of the scheduled practices. But, if you haven’t established your workout routine yet and you are interested in gaining muscle, the best time of day to workout is in the afternoon and evening. says this is because “muscle strength is typically highest in the afternoon and evening.
Exercising later in the day may build upon this strength and improve muscular endurance.”
If you have ever worked out in the morning and have felt shaky or light-headed, it is because your body temperature is the coolest in the morning, and your muscles aren’t warmed up yet, but tells us that, “body temperature is highest in the evening, which helps warm up your muscles. Warming up helps improve flexibility and makes you less prone to sprains and strains.”
Working out in the afternoon and evening can come with other benefits than just building muscle mass. Coming home from a stressful day and then thinking about it all night is not a healthy way to spend your evenings, but “ Some evidence suggests that working out after school or work can help you unwind,” states When looking to build muscle and endurance it is best to work out in the afternoon or evening and keep in mind that Peloton says, “training two to three times a week is sufficient.”