With no intention of becoming an inspiring figure for women around the world, in 2020 Su Min fled from her abusive husband and took a road trip around the world recording her entire journey.
The reason that Su Min left home was because of her toxic relationship. He eventually participated in an interview and admitted to the things she claimed he did. He was also very controlling over her and watched her every move. For example, “spicy food was forbidden by her husband who didn’t like it.”
In an interview with BBC Min said, “‘ I was a traditional woman and I wanted to stay in my marriage for life… But eventually, I saw that I got nothing in return for all my energy and effort.’” Min made the bold decision to go against Chinese customs which included staying at home and being the mom and wife, cooking and cleaning for the family, and never exploring other opportunities.
Su Min said, “‘many of our laws in China are to protect the family. Women often dare not divorce because of family disharmony’” in China it is looked down upon to file for a divorce and it is a long and sometimes difficult process. Disregarding these facts she still decided that after her grandsons were in school ( she felt it was her duty to help raise them), she would leave.
Su Min told BBC that she has visited many places including, “Xinjiang’s snow-capped mountains, Yunnan’s ancient river towns, sparkling blue lakes, vast grasslands, endless deserts,” and the base of Mount Everest.
Su Min travels solo and she spends more time with nature than people, the only thing she cares about right now is having a better second half of her life than the first half.
Su Min ended her interview with BBC by saying, “‘I would like to say that no matter what environment you are in, you must be good to yourself. Learn to love yourself, because only when you love yourself can the world be full of sunshine.’”
** All information and quotes were from the BBC article on her. **