With the explosion of inflation and rising cost of living, also comes a rise in homelessness. It’s not only adults suffering but children and families. With the 134% increase in homelessness in Colorado last year, it seems that there is no solution to this problem.
So what is causing the over 750 thousand people to go homeless? “I think that people who are homeless aren’t always to blame for their homelessness; sometimes they just have unfortunate circumstances,” Said a student who asked to remain anonymous.
Officials from the Housing and Urban Development Exchange say there is a “national affordable housing crisis” coupled with “rising inflation” and “stagnant wages.”
The National Alliance To End Homelessness say the cause for most homelessness are things like violence, low income, all things “that leads families to seek help from homeless service programs.
Why does it matter? Most people think that homelessness is self-inflicted and is caused by filthy habits like drinking, drugs and gambling, but most would be wrong and need to realize how homelessness can affect anyone, even people with a family and kids.
Homelessness also has a significant impact on children and their education. The NAEH says that children who have experienced homelessness experience problems like emotional and behavior problems, increased risk for serious illness, increased likelihood to separate from their family, and increased probability of dropping out of school, repeating a grade and lower school performance.
What are we going to do about it? Even with all the homeless shelters throughout our communities, many people and families don’t take advantage of them and don’t qualify to stay. A way people are solving this problem is that Denver has approved a 2 million dollar fund to help people experiencing homelessness. The American Rescue Plan Act allows people experiencing homelessness to be granted payments to go toward housing for themselves and their families.
Until we can find a more effective solution to homelessness, all we can do is help by supporting our local homeless shelters like the Grand Junction Community homeless and by supporting those in need around us.