How do people act in their favorite season?

December 6, 2021
Everyone has a favorite time of the year whether it is candy canes and freezing weather, or hot days with priceless sunsets. Some people will enjoy the same season as you, and others won’t.. It is common for people to be happier and more positive during the season that they enjoy. Seasons throughout the year have a large effect on both mental and physical health.
What is your favorite season out of the year? According to a recent study done by YouGovAmerica, fall is the favored season out of the year by most Americans, coming in at 29%. You would think that people would favor the warmer seasons more than the cooler seasons but summer only came in at 25% favorability. Winter chills came in dead last with a 7% favorability rate, which is expected because not a lot of people are fans of the cold. Americans sure do love their pumpkin spice coffees and spooky festivities, along with the beautiful changes of nature. Not only that but fall is a local favorite here in townThe Fruita Fall Feast is the biggest festival we have in this town. To say goodbye to summer and welcoming the cooler stages of the year.
When people are in their favorite seasons, they really thrive in life. They tend to be more positive. Especially in the warmer seasons there is less sadness. Braden Dickerson 10th said “ I feel relieved and have more fun usually so I’m happy”. With that being said, during her favorite season she can feel the difference from other seasons with respect to her health and well-being.. Everyone has a favorite season for a reason, not usually just because they like it. Most factors are because of the climate during their season and how that time of year suits them.. FMHS Student Joee said “I love fall because of the color change and all of the rain”.
Fall has a lot of moisture before it freezes over and gives off a peaceful image during that time of the year. Not only does climate play a role, but so do some of the sports or events going on.. For the cold lovers, snowboarding is their sport during that time so Powderhorn is always packed with people.
Most people have their own favorite season, and they love it because it defines a part of them. That is why most people feel better in their favorite seasons and are more positive. No matter what season it is though, just enjoy life with everything you got and take in the precious world we have. Take care of it cause we need it to stay beautiful and happy. Everyone’s well being is important and can improve or not during certain seasons and we could all help each other in some way, shape or form.