New Year Resolutions at FMHS

Marissa Glass, Reporter

2022, please be a good year. With the new year comes new opportunities in store and everyone probably has a new resolution they made. But Fruita Monument High School is on its way to make new resolutions as a whole. 

FMHS principal Todd Mcclaskey states that a new year resolution he’d like to see is “Taking time to connect with a fellow wildcat, listen, let them know that they care, and be positive.”

Having the goal to be kind and make new friends can create a very peaceful environment at school. Even the resolution to do better in school could impact yourself and the school in many positive ways.

Mcclaskey also states that students should try to “Get involved in at least one club or extracurricular activity.” The new year gives everyone a chance to be a new person and try new things and even be a part of something bigger.

FMHS student Katie Johnston states that her new year’s resolution this year is to “ Not procrastinate on my work.”

As a whole, Fruita has many new and constructive goals to set. No matter what your new year’s resolution may be, just know how it impacts everyone around you. Let’s make 2022 a good year for the wildcats.